Laboratorio di Macchine
Prof. Vinicio Magi (Principal Investigator)
Prof. Aldo Bonfiglioli
Prof. Annarita Viggiano
Dr. Marco D’Amato
Research activity
The overall
focus of the research activity is on understanding the physical processes
related to fluid flow, heat and mass transfer, energy conversion and combustion
in thermal system design and optimizing such processes to improve performance
in terms of higher efficiency, reduced emissions and lower costs. Several
software packages for research and industrial applications were developed:
REC (Reciprocating/Rotary Engine
Combustion) code, which solves multidimensional, compressible, turbulent,
multiphase reacting flows;
FLEDS (Flow Large Eddy and Direct
Simulations) code, which is an HPC-3D parallel code written in Fortran 90, fully
portable and can run on large distributed and shared memory platforms. The code
solves either LES or DNS equations for multidimensional, compressible,
turbulent, multiphase reacting flows;
UnDiFi-2D: An unstructured
discontinuity fitting code for 2D grids. The aim of UnDiFi-2D is to model
gas-dynamic discontinuities in two-dimensional (2D) flows as if they were true
discontinuities of null thickness that bound regions of the flow-field where a
smooth solution to the governing PDEs exists. CPC Library link to program
Also available on Github;
WISE code, which simulates the
working cycle of two/four stroke reciprocating and rotary engines with
different combustion strategies, i.e. spark ignition,
diesel combustion, HCCI, etc.
The current
research interests can be summarized as follows:
Development of innovative combustion
strategies for engines (low-temperature combustion, ozone-assisted combustion,
injection of superheated steam or supercritical water);
Waste heat recovering from exhaust
gases produced by combustion;
Use of hydrogen and renewable fuels,
such as biodiesel, ethanol, syngas, in propulsion and energy systems;
Fluid dynamic characterization of
turbulent jets;
Design and analysis of endothermic
engines for aviation;
Development of models for the
evaluation of wind turbine energy loss associated with blade damage;
Development of methodologies for
coupling meteorological models (mesoscale analysis) and fluid dynamic models
(local-scale analysis) in order to simulate, at high spatial resolution, the
wind field at ground heights of interest for modern wind turbines;
Development of “shock-fitting”
algorithms for the simulation of compressible flows with discontinuities.
Research projects
di Ricerca Industriale e Sviluppo Sperimentale “SIMPA - Sistemi Innovativi per
Motori a Pistoni Aeronautici”;
di Ricerca Industriale e non preponderante Sviluppo Sperimentale “EXTREME -
Tecnologie innovative per motori ad accensione comandata estremamente
(AIM1859451) finanziato su Bando "AIM" (Attraction
and International Mobility).
Prof. Vinicio Magi (Principal
Prof. Aldo Bonfiglioli
Prof. Annarita Viggiano
Marco D’Amato
Photo gallery