


•  3 Jul 2024. "Adriano joined us as visiting professor for the summer". EPFL News.

•  26 Mar 2024. Adriano Sofo, Tea Tales - “Understanding Soil Decomposition is Important to Understand Crop Production. And We Can Use Tea Bags to Measure It". Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Om7UYlZoFMc

•  25 Jan 2024. ‘Physicochemical and microbiological fertility of soils to safeguard kiwifruit orchards from KVDS (Moria)’. Conference ‘Varietal Innovation and Sustainable Management of Kiwifruit Orchards’. Oltre Association, Policoro (MT), Italy. Youtube: https://youtu.be/UCXsnffIs3E?si=RXjmmKMRbvS0E4Fs

•  24 Nov 2023. 'Among the Best in the World'. La Nuova del Sud. [in Italian]

•  26 Oct 2023. ‘Task Force Kiwifruit Vine Decline Syndrome (KVDS): First Meeting with Task Force Extended to a Group of Producers’. Zespri International Ltd., Latina, Italy. Youtube: https://youtu.be/NN2Il8G48Kk; https://youtu.be/Kpz1Pdf_BMI; https://youtu.be/QSc0hSaCJ7U [in Italian]

•  26 Jan 2023. 'War in Ukraine is also an Environmental Disaster'. Il Tascabile, by Lisa Signorile.

•  25 Oct 2022. 'Soil Destructuring Leads to Physiological Decline of Kiwifruit'. Rivista di Frutticoltura e di Ortofloricoltura, iby Dichio B, Calabritto M, Sofo A, Mininni AN, Mastroleo M, Xylogiannis E. [in Italian]

•  21 Aug 2022. ‘EU Nature Restoration Law; EGU Response’. EGU Biodiversity Task Force. [DOCUMENT]

•  9 Aug 2022. Autobiographical entry. Scholarly Community Encyclopedia.

•  24 Jun 2022. 'Sustainable Fruit Production in the Face of Climate Change'. Humusica 2022 – Soil, Society and Climate Warming.

•  24 May 2022. 'Ecosystems in a Bottle’. Primary School 2nd Didactic Circle ‘Mons. Petronelli’, Trani (BT), Italy. [in Italian]

•  9 May 2022. 'Kiwiclick Special Kiwifruit Decline Syndrome - Soil'. Zespri International Ltd. Latina, Italy. [in Italian]

•  20 May 2022. 'Digital Open Day - University of Basilicata'. [in Italian]

•  6 December 2021. ‘IECPS2021 | Live Session 1'.

•  1 September 2021. ‘Soil Macrofauna’. In Search of Soil podcast #20, by Diego Footer. [AUDIO] and [VIDEO]

•  4 August 2021. ‘Biodiversity and Soil Functioning - Crucial Outcomes’. Humusica 2021 – Soil Biodiversity and Management: Practical Tools and Actions for Facing the Future.

•  28 May 2021. 'Field Day - Group Kiwi Vine Decline Syndrome (KVDS)'. Zespri International Ltd. Latina, Italy. [in Italian]

•  5 September 2019. 'Apulia, the Martian Landscapes of the Bauxite Quarries'. National Geographic Italy, by Lisa Signorile. [in Italian]

•  27 September 2019. ‘PSI Products (Protected Space Indication) for a Future Somewhere Else’. European Researchers' Night 2019. University of Basilicata, Matera, Italy. [in Italian]

•  24 April 2019. 'On Oil in Basilicata Region'. La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, by Giovanna Laguardia. [in Italian]

•  1 April 2016. 'Xylella: A New, Deadly Vector'. National Geographic Italy, by Lisa Signorile. [in Italian]

•  7 May 2015. 'Not Only Xylella: the Strange Case of Olive Trees Disease'. National Geographic Italy, by Lisa Signorile. [in Italian]

•  23 March 2015. 'Coprophilia: from Dung Can to Biodamic Manure Horn'. National Geographic Italy, by Lisa Signorile. [in Italian]

•  30 September 2014. 'Soil Microbiome of Central Park'. The Scientist, by Jef Akst.

•  23 September 2014. ‘The Detergent Bio-Nuts’. Buongiorno Regione, Rai Tre National Broadcast. [in Italian]

•  25 March 2014. ‘Nice Fresh Coconut’. Buongiorno Regione, Rai Tre National Broadcast. [in Italian]

•  14 January 2014. ‘The Charme of Shyness: Mimosa pudica, the Shameful Plant’. Buongiorno Regione, Rai Tre National Broadcast. [in Italian]

•  19 November 2013. ‘The Practice of Composting in Urban Gardens’. Buongiorno Regione, Rai Tre National Broadcast. [in Italian]

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