
  • Versione italiana del GLOSSARIUM POLYGLOTTUM BRYOLOGIAE (GPB) (disponibile dalla pagina 'Some publications')

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Research (Present and Past)

Bryophytes and Forest structure: With my students we looked at possible changes in the Bryophyte Flora and Vegetation in relation to different stages of forest development in managed woods in Basilicata, as well as in some areas of the National Park of Cilento e Vallo di Diano (Salerno, Campania, southern Italy).

Bryophyte Flora of Albania: Several campaigns of collection have already been carried out in several areas of the Country during 2001-2006, also in cooperation with the Kopështi Botanik (Botanical Garden) of Tirana, Albania. Further studies of the Bryophyte Flora of Albania are ongoing in cooperation with the University of Tirana.

Systematics and Evolution of the genus Syntrichia in the Mediterranean and western United States. In this study I was looking at the species level relationships using molecular data (ITS regions, rbcL, and others) as well as morphological ones.

Philosophy of Byology,